Boost your search-ability: new search and browse features on Codex

Learn about the new search and browse features and how they can benefit artists, auction houses and collectors on Codex

5 min readSep 11, 2019

As the Codex Registry grows exponentially (nearly 15,000 items have been registered), we wanted to make it easier for people to search for Records or browse categories. In this article we will break down a few new features and look at how they give SEO benefits to our users and how they can make collecting easier on Codex.

New Homepage for the Codex Viewer

The first change users will notice is the new homepage of the Codex Viewer.

The homepage now boasts immediate searching functionality. Users can still login and signup from the homepage, but this new setup allows anyone who arrives on Codex to immediately explore the items on the Codex Registry.

Codex Records on the homepage and their connection to SEO

Scroll down and the next section of the homepage displays four recently added, public Codex Records by four different users.

Only Records from Verified Accounts will appear on the homepage. Apply here to become a Verified Account.

And just below that are the four most recent auction houses to upload Records and the four Featured Collections with the most Codex Records in their account.

SEO connection: why is this important?

The thinking behind this was twofold. Firstly, we want to promote artists and auction houses that are actively registering their items on Codex. By placing them on the homepage, we’re increasing the likelihood that visitors to the site will discover their profiles and artworks.

The second reason is in an effort to further promote our users’ SEO, or search engine optimization. SEO is a complex concept, but here is a general breakdown of how it works and why we added Records to the homepage. When Google is indexing the the Codex Viewer, it will pick up links to the recent Records from these auction houses and Featured Collections. This increases the SEO value of those pages. Exposing the Codex Records to the homepage adds SEO benefit by making them more accessible to search engine crawlers, boosting the overall search-ability of those houses and artists.

Want to boost your page on Google? The more you upload on Codex, the more your link lands on our homepage, increasingly adding to your overall SEO strength. Apply for a Verified Account to gain SEO benefits on Codex.

New: Browsing the Codex Registry

Explore all public Codex Records on the Registry in the “browse” section

You can sort how you browse through items on the Registry. Records can be sorted by name or date added: newest to oldest or oldest to newest. While the Registry grows every day, sort through the thousands of Records to see what new art and collectible items are added minute to minute on Codex.

New: Searching functionality on the Codex Registry

With the new search functionality on Codex, collectors can search keywords for their desired collectible item. Search “diamond bracelet” and view all Codex Records whose text match the search, as shown in the image below.

Click on any of the Records and view the Record itself, the provenance information, as well as a direct button to view the item on the auction house’s website (image below). Not only does this give collectors access to thousands of items that match their interest, but it benefits Codex auction houses by sending interested clientele directly to their website.

View a Record and click “View Lot from Auction House” to get a direct link to the auction house website and listing of the item

The “global search” feature is accessible on any page on the Codex Viewer website. No matter where you are on the site— homepage, an artist’s gallery, viewing a single Record- you can search for a Record on the search bar at the top of page.

What you can search for on Codex:

  • Keywords: Type in any word and all Records that have that word in their title, description or metadata section will appear. The image below is an example of the keyword search “flowers”
  • Codex Record title/name
  • Codex Record number
  • Verified name
  • Wallet address
  • Auction House
  • Artist
  • Featured Collection

Only public Records will appear in search results. Private Records are not searchable or viewable, except to the owner of the Record. The Record owner will see their Codex Record if it matches their search, with the pop up message assuring them only they can view this Record.

These new search and browse were created to make it easier for collectors to find relevant items on Codex. Searching by artist or keywords gives a collector a comprehensive list of relevant items and the item’s trustworthy, blockchain-recorded provenance. The increased SEO value is just another benefit users gain from registering their items on the blockchain with Codex.

Written by Corinne Moshy

About Codex

Codex is the leading decentralized asset registry for the $2 trillion arts & collectibles (“A&C”) ecosystem, which includes art, fine wine, collectible cars, antiques, decorative arts, coins, watches, jewelry, and more. Powered by the CodexCoin native token, the Codex Protocol is open source, allowing third-party players in the A&C ecosystem to build applications and utilize the title system. Codex’s landmark application, Biddable, is a title-escrow system built on the Codex Protocol, which solves long-standing challenges in auctions: non-performing bidders, lack of privacy and bidder access. The Codex Protocol and CodexCoin will be adopted as the only cryptocurrency by The Codex Consortium, a group of major stakeholders in the A&C space who facilitate over $6 Billion in sales to millions of bidders across tens of thousands of auctions from 5,000 auction houses in over 50 countries.

To learn more about Codex initiatives, visit our white paper. To inquire about partnerships and developing dApps using the Codex Protocol, please contact us via Telegram or Twitter




Written by Codex

Codex is the leading decentralized registry for the $2 trillion arts & collectibles ("A&C") ecosystem. Our Publication:

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